A Life Worth Saving: A Nurse's Journey from Sickness to Healing (Signed Copy)
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Dr.A could have allowed life to bury her under a mountain of heartache, illness and trauma. She could have succumbed to the pressures of a world crumbling around her. She could have given up hope, buried her faith, and died. She could have, but she didn't. Instead, Dr. A turned her struggle into strength and faith into action as she navigated through life's rough terrain. Finding strength through the redemptive power of love and forgiveness, Dr. A's story is woven in a tapestry that creates a fiercely touching journey. Her story remains with you and illuminates your own.
About the Author: After serving more than twenty-five in healthcare as a nurse and community engagement leader, Dr. A founded HCD Consulting, LLC and Leading With Wellbeing to continue her mission to support individuals and communities by cultivating resilience and the capacity to thrive in the face of challenges and barriers. Her personal transformation and creative approach to engagement has helped others create a powerful surge of action, belief, and possibility in what others deem impossible.